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Author, Historian

2024 Commonwealth Commendation, Pennsylvania Senate

2024 Inductee Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels

2023 Judge Robert K. Woltz History Award

2023 Book of the Year for The Whiskey Rebellion, Researching the American Revolution 

2023 Excellence in Historic Preservation, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution. 

2022 Commendation for Service, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution

2021 Commendation for Service, National Society Sons of the American Revolution

2021 Seminar Presenter, Fort Ticonderoga Seminar on the American Revolution

2020 Telly Award, Best History Series, for the Cable Television Series “Battlefield Pennsylvania,” PCN

2020 Commendation for Service, Sons of the American Revolution

2013 Seminar Presenter, War College of the Seven Years’ War

2010 Donald S. Kelly Award for Outstanding Scholarship in the Field of History

2010 Donna J. McKee Service Award in the Field of History'

2008 Best Paper Award- Phi Alpha Theta Western Pennsylvania Regional Conference